The Ancient Witnesses

Chapter 5: The Unfolding of Time, Part 2 • 159

Irenaeus continued his summary of Old Testament history, following the pattern of command-obedience, and blessing-fruit. “Moses, who received the blessing of a vision of the heavenly tabernacle and the command to build according to that vision, obeyed by constructing the earthly tabernacle, which in turn bore fruit in the lives of David, Solomon who built the Temple, and ultimately the Church.” 15 “Let us now consider the roles of prophet, priest, and king in Israel as the basis for our Lord’s ministry in the Fullness of Time ,” said Mentor. “Wait,” said Preacher, “what did Irenaeus mean by Temporal Jerusalem ?” “Do you recall the heavenly Jerusalem mentioned in Revelation?” 16 replied Mentor. “Sure,” said Preacher. “ Temporal Jerusalem is the earthly city the Lord chose to represent His name,” explained Mentor, “as we read in the books of the Kings, that David my servant may always have a lamp before me . 17 This is the place from which David ruled as king, and where Solomon built the Temple of the Lord. If the Promised Land is a type of the 15 In an earlier citation, Irenaeus noted that “at the command of God he (Moses) constructed the tabernacle of testimony, a visible structure on earth of things which are spiritual and invisible in the heavens—and the figure of the form of the Church.” City, Temple, and Throne Mentor thanked Irenaeus as he left the Crux.

16 In Rev. 3:12 and also in Heb. 12:22.

17 1 Kings 11:36.

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