The Ancient Witnesses

162 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots

“But there are also hopeful signs,” Mentor reminded us, “like King David—a man after God’s own heart—to whom God promised a descendant on his throne forever.” “That also points to Jesus in the New Testament,” Cesar reminded us, “since he will be called the son of David.” “Before we go further in the Fullness of Time ,” said Mentor, “what examples can you offer of Jesus himself fulfilling the roles of prophet, priest, and king?” “In Matthew’s Gospel” I said, “you can see Jesus’ prophetic ministry in his preaching against the unbelieving cities, against the Temple, and against Jerusalem itself.” 23 Joseph added that Hebrews 4 describes Jesus as a great high priest, and other New Testament passages identify him as king. 24 The Exile Our lesson on the roles of prophet, priest, and king in Israel as the basis for our Lord’s ministry in the Fullness of Time had been a success. Mentor excused himself from the crux, but soon returned with two witnesses, Origen and Cyril, who carried a large folio volume. “When are we finished with the Unfolding of Time , Mentor?” asked Preacher.

“Two episodes remain,” said Mentor. “Are these long lectures?” I asked.

23 See, respectively, Matt. 11:20-23; 12:6; 13:2; and 23:37.

24 John 19:19 and Rev. 1:5.

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