The Ancient Witnesses

164 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots

“The patient God was offering them mercy,” agreed Origen, “and this is true for us also, because if we sin, we become captives. And handing the captives of Jerusalem over to Nebuchadnezzar was no different than delivering someone to Satan—our Nebuchadnezzar. 27 “Delivering who to Satan?” asked Preacher. Origen did not reply, nor did Cyril. Now Father Greg joined the dialogue. “Do you remember that passage in 1 Corinthians where Paul talks about handing a disobedient member of the congregation over to Satan?” he asked. 28 “I remember,” said Preacher, “but what does it mean?” “It was the final step in church discipline,” explained Father Greg. “So, when a disobedient Christian refused to repent and be restored to the congregation, Paul taught that the Church has authority to hand over the willfully disobedient member to Satan for the sake, ultimately, of his or her salvation. 29 “The Old is revealed in the New!” declared Preacher. “Precisely,” agreed Father Greg, “God delivered Israel into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar to teach them to hate the servitude that resulted from their idolatry.” “God’s patient love manifests itself through all these means,” added Origen. “The Law, the Prophets, and the Apostles, and finally through his own Son—all speak to us about repentance and encourage us toward

27 John Clark Smith, 4-5.

28 See 1 Cor. 5:4-5.

29 1 Tim. 1:18-20.

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