The Ancient Witnesses
186 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots
time the star appeared . 29 —so why didn’t he believe the prophecies about the king of the Jews?” “According to the Commentary ,” said Mentor, “Herod was blinded by the devil who knows the Scriptures are true but who deceives others into thinking the Scriptures lie.” Mentor read, “Men cannot change what God has ordained, can they? Yet Herod relied on the Scriptures for evil and not for good. He accepted what they said about the place of the king’s birth but he did not recognize his own powerlessness to oppose the one God sent. Herod was bound by the devil’s chains, not guided by his own reason.” 30 Signs at the Beginning of Christ’s Ministry “The Incomplete Commentary also describes mysterious signs of the beginning of Christ’s ministry,” explained Mentor, reading about John the Baptist. “Even before it rises, the sun brightens the eastern sky and makes brilliant the morning star which announces the coming of day. Now, before the Lord was born into this world—and before he appeared in glory—his Spirit bestowed a glorious light on John who announced the coming of the Savior. Thus, the advent of God’s Son did not dawn unexpectedly, catching men off guard, nor did the Son have to announce his own arrival.” 31
29 Matt. 2:7 NKJV.
30 Opus Imperfectum , Second Homily (PG 56, 639) my translation.
31 Same as previous note.
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