The Ancient Witnesses
188 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots
“John was no ordinary prophet,” added Mentor, “he is the messenger who prepares the way for the coming of the king. 35 In other words, he lives on the threshold of the coming reign, yet his greatness consists in the fact that he wishes to be nothing more than the precursor of the one greater than he. Do you recall what John said when Christ presented Himself for baptism?” “I need to be baptized by you, and do you come to me? ” 36 quoted Joseph. “Truly,” agreed Mentor, and the Commentary suggests what John’s objections might have been. Mentor read, “The place I desire to arise to—you’ve already come down from! It is more reasonable that I should be baptized by you, so I might be made righteous and, therefore, worthy of heaven. And what would my baptism do for you, who are the very root of righteousness? Would it secure heaven for you? You, by your very nature, are heavenly!” 37 “Did John the Baptist really say that?” asked Preacher. “That’s how the Commentary interprets John’s words,” said Mentor. “Later on,” added Mentor, “as John was awaiting execution in prison, he sent his disciples to Jesus to ask, Are you the one who is to come, or shall we look for another? 38 This was not idle curiosity on John’s part; he
35 Susanne de Detrich,161.
36 Matt. 3:14.
37 Opus Imperfectum , Fourth Homily (PG 56, 657), my translation. Compare Kellerman and Oden, vol.1, 56.
38 Matt. 11:3.
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