The Ancient Witnesses
Chapter 6: The Fullness of Time • 195
As if to demonstrate his spiritual interpretation, Origen imitated Satan taunting Christ: “Have you come out to fight against my authority, to take my subjects for your own? Don’t trouble yourself. Why risk the battle? Go ahead and take the entire kingdom for yourself, only first bow down and worship me, then it will all be yours!” “And yet,” Origen continued, “our Lord and Savior wants to reign in truth, with all people serving him out of righteousness. He will reign righteously and rule blamelessly, but he will not rule if he himself is subject to the devil.” 51 Signs of the Coming Kingdom of God Origen, exhausted from preaching, excused himself from the Crux as Mentor returned to the lectern. “The incarnation revealed Christ as the legitimate heir who has come to take possession of what belongs to him, 52 said Mentor, summarizing Origen’s teaching. “Christ is victorious in his initial battle against the devil. The Incomplete Commentary describes Christ’s further preparations for battle.” Mentor again read from the Commentary , “Every king preparing to fight an adversary assembles his troops before engaging the battle. So also the Lord,
51 Adapted from Joseph T. Lienhard, Origen Homilies on Luke , Homily 30 in The Fathers of the Church, vol. 94, 124; and Patrologia Graeca 13, 1878).
52 Susanne de Dietrich, 154.
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