The Ancient Witnesses

24 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots

“The book says they met at Constantine’s summer palace,” I added. “We gonna see that?” asked Preacher. “The palace? No, it’s lost,” I explained. “How do you lose a palace?” asked Preacher. “Maybe in the earthquake,” said Cesar. “I think it’s been missing a lot longer than that,” I said. As our bus approached Nicaea late that afternoon, Father Greg pointed out many historical sites as we passed them on the road. At the city limits, our bus threaded the Istanbul Kapisi gate built by ancient Romans. Soon after, the city center came into view with ancient churches and mosques and historical ruins visible in every direction. When we arrived at our hotel, Father Greg reminded us to finish our book reviews and told us to get a good night’s sleep. I unpacked quickly and set up my laptop to work. Before I could begin, Joseph was at my door. “Ready for an adventure?” he asked. “I have to finish my book report,” I replied. “Take a walk with us first,” he coaxed. I could see Preacher and Cesar, waiting at the end of the hall. “Where are you going?” I asked. “To find Constantine’s palace!” “It’s lost,” I repeated, “nobody knows where it’s at!” “That’s why we’re going to look for it,” Joseph laughed, “it’s an adventure!” I didn’t feel much like working at that moment, so I closed my laptop and went with them, hoping I would not regret my decision.

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