The Ancient Witnesses

About the Author

“Dr. Bob,” as he is known by students and colleagues, serves as the Dean of The Urban Ministry Institute of Los Angeles (TUMI-L.A.) and as a Field Representative for TUMI-National. He earned a Doctorate in Practical Theology from Union Presbyterian Seminary in Richmond, VA., and Masters degrees from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary (Magna Cum Laude, Old Testament Studies) and the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (M.Ed.). He has served as Director of Christian Education for St. Giles Presbyterian Church (EPC) of Charlotte (1980-1986); Assistant Professor of Religion at Northwestern College of Iowa (1990-1995); and as Professor of Christian Educational Ministries at Taylor University in Indiana (1995-2010). Dr. Bob has published Readings in Historical Theology: Primary Sources of the Christian Faith (Kregel Press, 2009), Lessons of Infinite Advantage: William Taylor’s California Experiences (Scarecrow Press, 2010), and scholarly articles in American religious history, some of which appear in the Encyclopedia of Religion in America (CQ Press, 2011) and the Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization (Wiley-Blackwell, 2011). In 2010 Dr. Bob resigned his


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