The Ancient Witnesses
34 • The Ancient Witnesses: A Journey to Discover Our Sacred Roots
Cesar took the lead briefly, then also stopped, his expression like a deer caught in high-beam headlights. Explaining that the image was harmless, I led the rest of the way to the light shaft. Peering down into the opening, I was surprised to see the wheel and crosses floating over what appeared to be a deep cavern. “It must be an illusion,” I said, fighting a surge of motion sickness. Joseph again insisted we return to the motel, and Preacher seemed ready to agree with him. “Alright,” I said, “but first let me prove something to myself.” I felt sure that what I was seeing was an illusion and that my legs could reach the lower tunnel. I asked Preacher to lower me through the opening, but not to let go of my hand. “Don’t do it,” said Joseph to Preacher, who nodded in agreement. “That’s right,” said Cesar, “lower me!” After much arguing, Joseph reluctantly agreed for Preacher to lower Cesar, who was smaller than me, into the light shaft, with the understanding that he was to pull him up at the first sign of trouble. If all went well, I suggested, then Joseph would lower Preacher, still holding to Cesar’s hand, into the passage. After that, I would follow Joseph, and like a human chain we would stay connected no matter what happened. I warned everyone to keep their eyes open. One by one we entered the light shaft. As before, I held my breath, my focus narrowing to Joseph’s hand as I held on. Next thing I knew, we were walking single file, like circus elephants holding trunk to tail, only with our hands, down a wide tunnel I did not recognize. Cesar, out in front, paused to look back at the light shaft we’d just passed through. I also looked back, and the peculiar
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