The Ancient Witnesses
Chapter 1: A Journey to Nicaea • 53
“Welcome to the Athenaeum,” he said, turning to the others. “Athenaeum?” asked Joseph, “what is that?” My guide looked puzzled. “Are you not here to use the library?” he asked. “Oh, yes!” said Cesar, “we are here to use the library!” “Then follow me,” he said, as he headed toward the far end of the hall. The Crux Our guide led us out of the quiet hall into a circular arena at the center of a large auditorium filled with people. The dull roar of hundreds of conversations surrounded us. The furnishings here reminded me of a chapel but also a courtroom. There were choir stalls, fancy high back chairs and a table filled with old books, all arranged around a lectern at the center. 14 Our guide was busy with some sort of preparations. “What is this place?” I asked him. “This is where the witnesses testify,” he replied. “Witnesses?” I asked. He pointed beyond the low wall enclosing the arena to a multitude who sat with their backs to us. “This is the strangest auditorium I’ve ever seen,” said Joseph. “He called it an Athenaeum,” said Cesar, but where’s the stage?” “I think we’re on it,” said Joseph.
14 Medieval monks who recited and sang the Psalms during worship were seated in choir stalls.
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