The Ancient Witnesses
Chapter 1: A Journey to Nicaea • 55
to bring to the Athenaeum, he seemed greatly relieved. I promised to return soon. I found my way back to the hatch that opened into Nicaea and was surprised to find it still dark outside. Looking at my watch, I noticed it had stopped soon after the time we first entered the passage. As I walked toward the hotel, I knew I would need a good excuse to convince Father Greg to come with me. I thought of telling him we had discovered Constantine’s summer palace, but our guide called it the Athenaeum. As it happened I didn’t need to say anything. Father Greg was in the hotel lobby waiting for the four of us to return. “Where have you been?” he asked, “and where are the others?” “I’ll show you,” I said. We left the hotel and walked quickly toward the wall. When we arrived, I climbed into the passageway but Father Greg would not follow. So, I told him everything that had happened beginning with my accident. It was when I described the image of the wheel and crosses that he seemed convinced we’d discovered something truly important. “It may be Constantine’s crest,” he said. “What’s that?” I asked. “It’s a symbol based on the Emperor’s heavenly vision,” he explained. Father Greg now willingly followed me into the passageway. We had not gone far when, as before, the bright image shot out of the darkness at us. Instantly he shielded his eyes. I looked directly at the image as I had learned to do, and coached him to do the same. Once his eyes grew accustomed to the image he confirmed that it was an ancient symbol.
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