The Ancient Witnesses
Chapter 2: The Time Before Time • 75
“He was one of the first great apologists of the early Church,” said Father Greg. Justin Martyr wore a philosopher’s tunic. He was a young man with a full beard and bare chested. The sash of his robe, draped over one shoulder, was marked with a blood-red cross. As he came to the lectern, Mentor repeated his question. “ How can God be one and three? ” Clearing his voice, Justin Martyr began, “We confess the true God, the Father of righteousness and temperance and the other virtues, who is free from all impurity—both Him and the Son who came forth from Him and the prophetic Spirit, we worship and adore, knowing them in reason and truth, and declaring without grudging to everyone who wishes to learn as we have been taught.” 11 “I wish to learn!” I said aloud, blushing as my words echoed throughout the arena. Justin Martyr continued, “Christ, being both Lord and God, the Son of God, appeared to Moses in the glory of the burning bush, and in the judgment of Sodom, and even in the naming of Joshua. 12 He was the power of God sent to all these, appearing in whatever form the Father pleased. Indeed, they call him the Logos because he carries a message from the Father to men. As the light from the sun radiates from the sun itself, Christ’s power radiates from the Father’s power and cannot be separated. Nor is the Father’s power thereby reduced, for after starting many
11 Justin Martyr, First Apology , chapter 6 (ANF 1, 164).
12 The Hebrew name, Joshua, means “Yahweh saves,”whose Greek translation is Jesus.
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