The Ancient Witnesses

Chapter 3: The Beginning of Time • 97

nature of humankind, I have invited Brother Irenaeus because of his special role in the battle against heresy.” 21 “I must first point out,” Irenaeus began, “that anyone who wants to know the truth should focus upon the tradition of the Apostles which has spread throughout the entire world.” As he said this, a certain look came over Mentor’s face suggesting he’d heard the speech before. “Those of us gathered here in this Assembly,” Irenaeus continued, “can recall those whom the Apostles appointed as overseers in the churches; and we know their successors too, down to our own times. The Apostles took care to appoint those who were blameless, expecting them to take their place of leading and to serve faithfully, knowing this would be a great blessing to the Church if they would persevere, but a disaster if they should ever fall away. In this way, the life-giving faith which passed from the Apostles to us has been handed down in truth.” 22 After mentioning the Apostles Peter and Paul, Irenaeus listed the names of those they appointed bishops of Rome, beginning with Linus, who was appointed by Peter, Anacletus, whom Linus appointed, and so on with Clement, Evaristius, Alexander, and Sixtus, whose name means he was sixth in the line from Peter. Now, I had been taught that the doctrine of apostolic succession— that there was an unbroken line from Peter to the present-day Pope in Rome—was false. Yet here was a Church Father, apparently laying the foundation for such a doctrine. I decided to ask Father Greg what he thought about the idea.

21 Irenaeus of Lyon authored the massive Against Heresies (Latin title Adversus Haereses ) in the late Second Century AD.

22 Irenaeus, Against Heresies , III.III.1 (ANF 1:415).

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