The Epistles to the Hebrews
14 The Ep i s t l e to the Hebrews : Par t I
5. 1 Pet. 3.18
6. John 10.10-15
7. Rom. 5.1-11
II. The Importance of Learning of Christ in Biblical Theology
A. To enable us to better abide in him
1. We are placed in him.
2. The Christian life is the outworking of our union with him.
It is the history of Christ which is to become the experience of the Christian, and we have no spiritual experience apart from Him. The Scriptures tell us that we were “crucified with Him,” that we were quickened, raised, and set by God in the heavenlies “in Him,” and that we are complete “in Him” (Romans 6.6; Ephesians 2.5-6: Colossians 2.10). It is not just something that is still to be effected in us (though it is that, of course). It is something that has already been effected, in association with Him. In the Scriptures we find that no Christian experience exists as such. What God has done in His gracious purpose is to include us in Christ. In dealing with Christ God has dealt with the Christian; in dealing with the Head He has dealt with all the members. It is altogether wrong for us to think that we can experience anything of the spiritual life in ourselves merely, and apart from Him. God does not intend that we should acquire something exclusively personal in our experience, and He is not willing to effect anything like that for you and me. All the spiritual experience of the Christian is already true in Christ. It has already been experienced by Christ. What we Call “our” experience is only our entering into His history and His experience.
~ Watchman Nee. The Normal Christian Life . Wheaton: Tyndale, 1977. p. 54.
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