The Epistles to the Hebrews
140 The Ep i s t l e to the Hebrews : Par t I
Typology Readings, continued
hair in the Song of Solomon is the mass of the nations converted to Christianity.
It is an eye-opener to learn that the “two pence” which the Good Samaritan gave to the innkeeper were covertly Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. We cannot but feel sorry for Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, when another ministerial victim of typomania tells us the “four barrels” of water which Elijah commanded to be poured over the altar on Mount Carmel were the four Gospel writers. As for the clergyman who would persuade us the boat in which our Lord crossed Galilee is the Church of England, while the “other little ships” which accompanied it were the other denominations, we cannot shake off a sly idea that the novel expositor himself, like the boats, must have been all “at sea.” We feel just the same about Pope Gregory the Great’s exposition of Job, in which Job’s verbose “friends” typify heretics; and his sevens sons the twelve Apostles; his seven thousand sheep God’s faithful people and his three thousand hump backed camels the depraved Gentiles!”
~ J. Sidlow Baxter, The Strategic Grasp of the Bible .
The Three Errors of Typology to Avoid There are three dangers, however, which must be avoided: Limiting the type, and therefore not using it
Exaggerating the type, and therefore overusing it Imagining the type, and therefore misusing it
~ J. Boyd Nicholson from the foreword to Harvest Festivals .
The Case Against the “Older View” of Typology The case against typology:
Concerned only with finding “prefigurations” of Christ all over the Old Testament
God ordained Old Testament events, institutions, and/or persons for the primary purpose of foreshadowing Christ.
Two bad results of this old hermeneutic:
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