The Epistles to the Hebrews
Sess ion 2: Chr i st ’s Super ior i ty as Revelat ion and as the Son 19
Every carefully structured section contributes to the development of a central theme, providing distinctive insights into the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ and the nature of our salvation. Although many Old Testament texts are employed, some sections of Hebrews are based on the exposition of a single text, with others being used in a supportive role. In this way we are shown how to interpret the Old Testament in the light of its fulfillment and can understand how the two divisions of the Christian Bible link together. Since the writer regularly relates his insights to the needs of those addressed, we can learn how to apply his argument to our contemporary lives. Hebrews demonstrates that effective warnings and encouragement are grounded in good theology (italics mine).
~ New Bible Commentary . Downer’s Grove: InterVarsity Press, 1994. p. 1321.
Read Hebrews 1.
II. Jesus Christ, God’s Final Word of Revelation to Humankind, Heb. 1.1-4
A. Christ’s absolute superiority as revelation: introduction
1. God has spoken decisively through the prophets.
a. God “spoke of old.”
b. To our “fathers”
c. By “the prophets”
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