The Epistles to the Hebrews

Sess ion 2: Chr i st ’s Super ior i ty as Revelat ion and as the Son  21

6. The Atonement and Sole Deliverer from the defiling character of sin, Heb. 2.14-18

7. The Enthroned Conqueror at the Father’s right hand on high, Ps. 110.1

8. Reigning Lord who is superior to the angels

9. Key Implication: Jesus as revelation is supreme to all other forms and manners of God’s communication to humankind, John 14.6-8

a. Creation

b. Scripture

c. Conscience

d. Miracle

e. Vision

f. Angels

The Former as Preparatory Revelation

Jesus Christ as God’s Final Revelation

At various times and many places

In these last days

God spoke to the fathers

God has spoken to us

In the past

In this final age

Through the prophets

Through his own Son

Adequate but incomplete

Decisively and finally

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