The Epistles to the Hebrews
Sess ion 2: Chr i st ’s Super ior i ty as Revelat ion and as the Son 23
3. The Son is over against the creation, and will consummate all things under his divine rule, Ps. 102.25-27.
D. The appointed office of the Son is superior to that of the angels.
1. The Son of God has been invited by the Father to sit at his right hand until all enemies have been defeated, Ps. 110; 1 Cor. 15.23-28.
2. The angels, on the other hand, are ministering spirits to serve the human heirs of salvation, Ps. 103.20; Heb. 5.9.
3. The Son is superior in that he will exercise authority and rule on God’s behalf in the Kingdom to come, Luke 1.30-33.
Implications for Life Today
• God is ever speaking to us today in the person of the risen and living Christ, his Son.
• The revelation that God has given to us in Christ is absolutely integrious and veracious (trustworthy and true).
• God has sent his personal angelic emissaries into the world to act on behalf of his children who suffer within it. We are not alone!
• Nothing can defeat or intimidate Christ and his Kingdom victory – nothing!
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