The Epistles to the Hebrews
Sess ion 3 Chr i st ’s Humi l iat ion and Exal tat ion 31
2. The story of Israel , God’s people: at the level of people and nation
3. The story of Messiah and Kingdom : at the level of God’s unfolding plan of the ages
4. The story of the triune God and his ultimate intention for himself: at the level of the person of God alone
IV. Reasons for the Appropriateness of Jesus’ Humiliation and Sharing Our Humanity, Heb. 2.9-18.
A. For the purpose of tasting death for everyone
1. Crowned with glory and honor for the suffering of death
2. Through God’s grace, Christ participated in humanity in order to be the substitute for everyone.
B. For the purpose of bringing many sons and daughters into glory
1. It was fitting that he for whom all things exist and who made all things.
2. Christ himself as salvation’s author was made perfect through human sufferings.
C. For the purpose of sharing with us in our fundamental humanness under God’s rule
1. The one who sanctifies and those sanctified are one.
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