The Epistles to the Hebrews

Session 4 Christ’s Faithfulness as Apostle and High Priest: Hebrews 3.1-6

Apostleship and the Priesthood

What is an apostle ?

What is a high priest ?

In representing God and his people, how are their roles similar ? How are their roles different ?

What does it mean to be appointed , and to accept an appointment ?

Why would it be absolutely necessary for an apostle and a high priest to be seen as faithful ?

I. Command to Consider: Pay Close Attention to Christ Jesus as the Apostle and High Priest of Our Confession, Heb. 3.1.

The heart of maintaining dynamic faith in a situation of persecution is to become an expert on the person of Jesus Christ as God’s Apostle of Revelation and High Priest of Redemption.

A. Who we are : “Holy brethren”: the saints of God in Jesus Christ

1. We are set apart as God’s cherished possession .

2. We are set apart for God’s kingdom purpose .

3. We are set apart for God’s glorious praise .


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