The Epistles to the Hebrews
Sess ion 4: Chr i st ’s Fai thfulness as Apost le and High Pr iest 37
c. He is uniquely representative of the Father: single definite article “the.”
d. He is the High Priest of our confession: one of the core verities which make up our understanding of God’s redemption.
II. Christ as God’s Absolutely Trustworthy Appointee: Christ’s Faithfulness to the Father, Heb. 3.2-4
What is the significance of the fact that Christ was “faithful to him who appointed him”?
A. Christ Jesus was faithful to him who appointed him.
1. Faithfulness is directly related to the concepts of authority , obedience , and commandment .
2. Christ was faithful to the Father, who appointed him, John 10.17.
3. Christ’s faithfulness has been and will be rewarded , Phil. 2.5-11.
B. Moses’ faithful stewardship over God’s house is a type of Christ.
1. Moses was faithful in all of God’s house.
a. Faithful in his representation : Moses was faithful in the integrity of his ambassadorship for God to the people.
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