The Epistles to the Hebrews

Sess ion 5: Chr i st ’s Cal l to True Di scipleship in the New Covenant  45

B. Lane’s understanding of the author’s choice of Psalm 95.7-11

1. This passage was familiar , p. 61 ( Hebrews: A Call to Commitment ).

2. This passage was a sober reminder of the unfaithfulness of the people of God , p. 62.

3. This passage stresses the priority of listening to God’s voice , p. 62.

4. This passage underscores both the peril of unbelief and the tragic consequences of unfaithfulness , p. 62.

C. The power of story in discipling and teaching.

1. Shows the truth rather than merely tells it; provides a living visual aid

2. Gives a window into the world of God’s disposition and understanding

3. Of greater interest and is more entertaining than mere outline and prose material

4. A thicker kind of experience: allows us to participate : empathy, emotion, feeling, passion

5. Easier to remember and to teach to others than mere propositions

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