The Equipping Ministry, Student Workbook, SW15
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The final will be a take home exam, and will include questions taken from the first three quizzes, new questions on material drawn from this lesson, and essay questions which will ask for your short answer responses to key integrating questions. Also, you should plan on reciting or writing out the verses memorized for the course on the exam. When you have completed your exam, please notify your mentor and make certain that they get your copy. Please note: Your module grade cannot be determined if you do not take the final exam and turn in all outstanding assignments to your mentor (ministry project, exegetical project, and final exam). In this final lesson of The Equipping Ministry we have sought to show how the Holy Spirit’s ministry is critical for a viable teaching ministry in the local Church. In every dimension of the teaching of the Church, the Holy Spirit is prominent: he not only supplies the calling, gifting, anointing, and instruction, but he and he alone grants the power to obey God’s will once we understand it. We have also examined the three steps involved in the “Contact, Content, and Connection” model of effective biblical teaching. We first establish contact with our students, communicate the content of the Word of God in our lesson with clarity and boldness, and then strive to make connections with the principles of Scripture and the lives of the students. As we apply these principles, do our homework, live in freedom, and depend on the Holy Spirit, we can expect God to honor his Word by building up the saints of God for the sake of his Son, Jesus. Our sincere desire is that the same Holy Spirit who made our Lord, the prophets and apostles so effective in teaching and proclaiming the Word concerning Messiah and the Kingdom, will empower you in every way to bear fruit in every good work. May you come to share the same burden for proclaiming Jesus of Nazareth as the Apostle Paul had in the prison of Rome, spoken of in Col. 1.28-29: Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone mature in Christ. [29] For this I toil, struggling with all his energy that he powerfully works within me. May you, too, toil with all that the living God grants you as you equip the saints for the work of the ministry for the building of the body of Christ, for the glory of God. Amen!
Final Exam Notice
The Last Word about this Module
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