The Equipping Ministry, Student Workbook, SW15

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the preacher, and the content of the preaching ministry? How would you describe the relationship of these elements to one another?

2. In what sense can we say that the divine call to proclaim the message of God is the most important element in the entire preaching ministry? Can someone successfully represent God and his interests even if God did not choose them–can we volunteer for the service? Why or why not? 3. What are the usual indications, would you say, of a person who has been authentically called of God to preach? How do examples like the call of the prophets and the apostles help us understand what it means to be selected by God as his chosen messenger? Could one argue that our experience is so different from theirs that these examples are unique and ought not be used to inform our current understanding of what it means to be called today to preach? 4. What role does the Holy Spirit play in the call to preach, and how does the confirmation of our leaders and others Christians fit into the recognition of that call? What is the difference between a call from God to preach and preaching as a job ? Can they be both at the same time? Explain. 5. Why is it more important who a preacher is than their ability to present and deliver a message verbally? How can a lack of character affect the ministry of one called to preach the Word to others? What role does reputation play in this? 6. What is the cardinal virtue of preaching, and why? Likewise, what is the cardinal vice that undermines effective preaching, and why? Is it possible to represent God faithfully if we are unwilling and unable to handle our fear of others, or speak what God tells us to say, regardless of the consequences or result? Explain. 7. Describe the essential content of all legitimate NT preaching. Why is it important for the preaching ministry to center upon the person and work of Jesus Christ, and not get caught up in the various kinds of religious and secular themes possible to discuss today? 8. How did the preaching of Jesus focus on this essential content, and how did the apostles build upon this content? What was the heart and soul of their proclamation to both Jew and Gentile alike? To what extent must we continue and extend this ministry of proclamation today?


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