The Equipping Ministry, Student Workbook, SW15

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The Ministry of Proclamation: Kerygma (Part 2)

Segment 1: The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Preaching Ministry

Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

The Holy Spirit of God, who inspires and illumines the written Word of God, is central in every dimension of an effective preaching ministry. Apart from the Holy Spirit, the preached Word will produce no spiritual fruit and remain ineffectual and unheeded in those who hear it. The Spirit works through individuals prepared for his leading, i.e., one who has obeyed the call of God to preach, embraced the power of the Word of God for salvation and change, and who seeks a mastery of the Word of God through disciplined study and liberated application, both in his or her own life, as well among those they seek to save and influence. Throughout the preaching ministry process, the Spirit thwarts the devil as he seeks to veil and blind the minds of unbelievers, and empowers the preacher through his supply and gifting. He alone can convict the audience of the truth, and confirms the spoken word with signs and wonders of its veracity. When the Holy Spirit is allowed to work, he converts and incorporates the new believer into the body of Christ. Our objective for this segment, The Role of the Holy Spirit in the Preaching Ministry , is to enable you to see that: • The Holy Spirit of God, who both inspires and illumines the written Word of God, is central in every dimension of an effective preaching ministry. Apart from the Holy Spirit, the preached Word will produce no spiritual fruit, remaining ineffectual and unheeded in those who hear it. • The Holy Spirit begins the preaching event with the resourcing of the preacher himself or herself. Preparation of the preacher is as important as preparation of the message that the preacher delivers. • The Spirit works through individuals prepared for his leading, i.e., one who has obeyed the call of God to preach, embraced the power of the Word of God for salvation and change, and who seeks a mastery of the Word of God through disciplined study and liberated application, both in his or her own life, as well among those which they seek to save and influence. • Throughout the preaching ministry process, the Holy Spirit oversees and influences the spiritual possibilities of both preacher and hearer. He thwarts the devil as he seeks to veil and blind the minds of those who do not believe,

Summary of Segment 1


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