The Equipping Ministry, Student Workbook, SW15

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Please take as much time as you have available to answer these and other questions that the video brought out. We saw how the Holy Spirit’s role in preaching is so significant that not a single dimension of the preaching/Word event remains untouched from his influence and guidance. Truly, to preach the Word of God is to be filled with the Holy Spirit (cf. 4.8; 7.55ff., etc.). Review the following questions seeking to understand the connection between the Holy Spirit and the preaching of the Word in all of its various dimensions. 1. How can we say that the Holy Spirit of God “affects every dimension of an effective preaching ministry?” How does the Holy Spirit’s relationship to the written Word make it certain that apart from his presence and power no preaching can possibly bear spiritual fruit, or produce life change in the hearers of it? 2. Why must the Holy Spirit begin the work of preaching with the preacher himself or herself , and not merely with the message and the mechanics of presentation? Explain your answer. 3. In what sense do the Scriptures teach that the Spirit sovereignly works through individuals which he personally selects for the work of the preaching ministry? What are the traits of the kind of person through whom the Holy Spirit chooses to work? In your opinion, are any of these characteristics negotiable for the effective preacher? Why or why not? 4. In the midst of the preaching event, how and in what way does the Holy Spirit oversee and influence both the preacher and hearer of his or her message? Why must the Spirit open up the mind of the unbeliever before they can comprehend the message being delivered? 5. In what sense can the preacher depend upon the anointing and inspiration of the Holy Spirit even in the very act of preaching the Word to others? What is the Spirit’s role in bringing a sense of conviction and admission in the hearts of those who hear the Scriptures preached? 6. In the NT, what role did miracles, signs, and wonders play in giving credence to the preached Word? To what extent can we expect the same in our preaching today? 7. What results can we expect to see when the Holy Spirit is allowed to work unhindered through the preacher in a preaching event? Why can’t we guarantee results in each and every preaching situation? When results do occur, however, how are we to understand the cooperation between the preacher and the Holy Spirit to touch the lives of others?

Segue 1

Student Questions and Response


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