The Equipping Ministry, Student Workbook, SW15
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This lesson focuses upon the ministry of proclamation, through the kerygma , the preaching of the Word of God in dependence upon the Holy Spirit. Through his influence alone, we can learn the art of obeying God as we proclaim his Word, responding obediently to the call of God to preach, convinced of the power of the Word of God for salvation and change, and gaining skill as we learn to establish contact, communicate the content the Word of God clearly, and make specific connection with the lives of our listeners. The following concepts underlie the principles of this lesson on the kerygma . The Holy Spirit of God, who inspires and illumines the written Word of God, is central in every dimension of an effective preaching ministry. Apart from the Holy Spirit, the preached Word will produce no spiritual fruit, remaining ineffectual and unheeded in those who hear it. The Holy Spirit begins the preaching event with the resourcing of the preacher himself or herself. Preparation of the preacher is as important as preparation of the message that the preacher delivers. The Spirit works through individuals prepared for his leading, i.e., one who has obeyed the call of God to preach, embraced the power of the Word of God for salvation and change, and who seeks a mastery of the Word of God through disciplined study and liberated application, in his or her own life as well as among those they seek to save and influence. 7. How may our use of the liturgical year (along with the resources, texts, and tools associated with it) provide us with a way to expose our audiences with a continuous retelling of the Story of God, and in some way allow us to preach “the whole counsel of God” (cf. Acts 20.27)? 8. What are some practical ways in which our preaching can help our audiences make connections with the truths of our preaching? What is the difference between making connections and manipulating responses from an audience? What is the role of making invitations and appeals to our audience as we proclaim the Word to them? 9. Why should we place a large emphasis upon following up all responses made to our preaching, and how can we use these specific follow-ups to reinforce our messages to particular individuals and families?
Summary of Key Concepts
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