The Evangel Dean Basic Training Resource Handbook


The Vision and Objectives of the Evangel Dean Training

Vision: Provide excellent equipping for church plant trainers working among the urban poor through the commissioning of deans certified to run Evangel Church Plant Schools in their own ministry context.


• Provide specialized, sustainable, and reproducible training for church planters working among the urban poor, especially bi- vocational church planters. • Equip church plant teams within their ministry context by providing Evangel schools in urban centers across the United States and around the world. • Create a network of skilled trainers who can host schools in multiple locations around the United States. • Help urban church plant trainers to design their ABC system ( A ssessment, B oot Camp Training, C oaching). • Partner with mission agencies, TUMI satellites, urban church associations, and denominations to host Evangel Schools across the country and around the world. Evangel Dean Training Big Idea: Our team, upon completion of enlistment, basic training, and boot camp will be spiritually, strategically, and tactically ready to train urban church planters using Ripe for Harvest: A Guidebook for Planting Healthy Churches in the City in conjunction with Evangel Church Plant Schools.

World Impact, TUMI, and Evangel School of Urban Church Planting (History and Relation)

World Impact was founded in 1971. World Impact empowers urban leaders and partners with local churches to reach their cities with the Gospel to the end that the Gospel of the Kingdom is proclaimed by the empowered urban poor to every people group through indigenous churches and movements. The Urban Ministry Institute (TUMI) was launched in 1995. As a national training arm for World Impact, the Institute equips leadership for the urban church, especially among the poor, in order to advance

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