The Evangel Dean Basic Training Resource Handbook


Emmanuel Gospel Center. “The Unsolved Leadership Challenge: A Report on Greater Boston Church Planters and What They Believe about Women in Leadership,” October 2014, http://egc. org/sites/ Challenge_Church%20Planters%20and%20Women%20in%20 Leadership_0.pdf.

Dale, Felicity. Getting Started: A Practical Guide to House Church Planting . Karis Publishing, Inc., 2003.

Hamp, Angie. Confessions of a Church Planter’s Wife: Coming Clean about the Dirty Side of Church Planting . N.P.: Create Space, 2011.

Hoover, Christine. The Church Planting Wife: Help and Hope for Her Heart . Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2013.

———. Partners in Planting: Help and Encouragement for Church Planting Wives . An ebook available at “Grace Covers Me.” www. . 2014. Thomas, Shari. The Primary Sources of Stress and Satisfaction among PCA Church Planting Spouses . Atlanta: Mission to North America, 2005.

Wilson, Linda. “Issues for Women in Church Planting.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 39, no.3 (July 2003): 362−366.

Reddin, Opal. Planting Churches That Grow . Springfield, MO: Central Bible College Press, 1990.

VII. Specialized Bibliographies

Dr. Don L. Davis, ed. Planting Churches among the City’s Poor: An Anthology of Urban Church Planting Resources . Wichita, KS: The Urban Ministry Institute Press, 2015. 2 Volumes.*

Both volumes of the anthology include a five-page bibliography of resources especially relevant for urban church planters.

Joel Comiskey, “Cell Church Reading List and Bibliography,” accessed June 2, 2015, churchLeaders/cellreadinglistbibliography.htm .

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