The Evangel Dean Basic Training Resource Handbook


D EAN E XERCISE Field Coaches One hour

Your Dean Team needs to make specific plans for how you will prepare for hosting your first Evangel Dean School. Use this exercise time to continue the conversation and think through your own “Prepare” phase. This dean’s exercise is an adaptation of the Evangel School exercise found on pages 190−194 in Ripe for Harvest: A Guidebook for Planting Healthy Churches in the City .

Exercise Instructions

1. Open in prayer, committing your time to the Lord and seeking his wisdom (5 min).

2. Look over the Prepare Questions for Church Plant Teams on pages 191−193 in Ripe for Harvest (20 min).

a. Which of the “Preparing the Church-Planting Team” questions (191−192) would you be especially concerned with if you were assessing and/or coaching an Evangel Church Plant team right now? Which would need to be addressed at the school, and which could be followed up with later on? b. Which of the “Preparing for the Task” (193−194) questions would you be especially concerned with if you were assessing and/or coaching an Evangel Church Plant team right now? Which would need to be addressed at the school, and which could be followed up with later on? 3. As you reflect on your own Evangel Vision and Values, what goals do you need to set for the next six months in the areas identified below? Set at least one S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goal for each of the following six areas. It is ok to postpone making a decision as long as you establish a goal for when you will make the decision (e.g. Make decision about where to host website for school by October 15).

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