The Evangel Dean Basic Training Resource Handbook
(1) The Church Planting Pastor seeks to create a strong congregation that will be a sending center and nurturing headquarters for new church plants. 14 Rev. Eric Mason describes his rationale for embracing this role: “I found that with inner-city ministry, you have to be in it for the long haul because these are extremely relational communities. When you’re actively involved in an inner-city neighborhood, you develop a ‘trust capital’ that provides a pipeline for ministry. Building that trust takes time. . . . The inner city is based on social capital. . . . When someone
transitions out of ministry in the community, it impacts the momentum of the work there.” 15
(2) Values the ancient Christian practice of “stability” (e.g. St. Benedict, Eugene Peterson) 16
2. Recognize and support different gifting.
a. Some necessary gifts, skills, and training are necessary for all church plant team leaders.
b. Some necessary gifts, skills, and training are different for church planters planting a small church, community church, or a hub church. Assessors must remain aware of this diversity in the body of Christ.
14 The Church Planting Pastor combines elements of the “founding pastor model” and the “Beachhead Model” as discussed in Dr. Davis’ “Church Plant Models” in Don Allsman, Don L. Davis, and Hank Voss, eds., Ripe for Harvest: A Guidebook for Planting Healthy Churches in the City. Wichita, KS: TUMI Press, 2015. p. 87. 15 Jessi Strong, “Rooted in the City of Brotherly Love,” Bible Study Magazine , November 2014, goHTyLV9.dpuf . See also church website at .
16 Eugene H. Peterson, Under the Unpredictable Plant: An Exploration in Vocational Holiness. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1994. p. 18−24.
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