The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
134 • T he e vangel d ean s Chool : d evelopIng W Isdom , C onvICTIon , and p erspeCTIve In C hurCh p lanT T eams
From Seeker to Sensei: Developing Effective Movement Apprenticeships , continued
C. Unspoken pathways : Neglect of specific ways movement folk can engage and represent the movement, whatever the level
D. Phony channels of opportunity : tolerating unhealthy folk or promoting folk with unproven track records among us
E. No recognition or promotion : failing to reward loyalty and service
V. The Practice of Apprenticeships: Take-aways for a New Vision
A. Clarify your movement play-book: Who, what, why, how . . .
B. Make the invitation: boldly, clearly, and often.
C. Ask God for insight into your choice of the next generation of leaders.
D. Offer specific roles, assignments for the most loyal “first followers.”
E. Develop a workable, modest apprenticeship program, focused on investment.
F. Provide both oversight, provision, and answerability throughout the entire period.
G. Certify your apprentices: be ready to delegate the assignments and authority once the program is successfully completed.
Closing quotes from Sensei Mr. Miyagi
“Either you karate do ‘yes’ or karate do ‘no.’ You karate do ‘guess so,’ (get squished) just like grape.”
The point: Once you commit to an enterprise, do it with your full heart and effort. Or not, and pay the price.
“Never trust a spiritual leader who cannot dance.”
The point: Every true leader has to be flexible, adaptable, and able to enjoy themselves in the process. Correction and celebration!
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