The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
136 • T he E vangel D ean S chool : D eveloping W isdom , C onviction , and P erspective in C hurch P lant T eams
Requires commitment, Priorities, Resources and Tools The key to accomplishment is settling clearly on what you will give your time and attention to . “If you try to chase two rabbits, you will not catch either of them” (Chinese proverb).
Toward a Flexible Strategy for Ministry: Coordinating the Team for Success , continued
I. Clarify Your Dream: Set your context. What has the Lord called you to be and to do?
Nehemiah sets goals to build the wall and rebuild the house of God, Neh. 2.2-8.
A. Definition
1. Dreaming big involves using your imagination and faith to visualize what would happen if the Lord granted you fulfillment of your call and vision.
2. What is your call, your history, and your dream?
B. Elements
1. Clarify your vision; set the context for your work, based on your history and experience.
2. Understand your call; reaffirm why you exist, and “what your business is.”
3. Release the imagination of your faith; if God would grant you anything, what would you ask for? Why does your enterprise exist?
C. Illustration: Evangel School of Urban Church Planting
1. TUMI Project Portfolio
2. How do we use our imagination to determine possible rabbits to chase?
3. Hosting the Evangel School of Urban Church Planting clarifies our dream to identify, equip, and empower partners who are investing in emerging leaders around the world.
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