The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
140 • T he E vangel D ean S chool : D eveloping W isdom , C onviction , and P erspective in C hurch P lant T eams
Toward a Flexible Strategy for Ministry: Coordinating the Team for Success , continued
2. Execute it!
a. Plan – create Work Breakdown Structure (prepare):
(1) Make a list of everything that has to be done (and in what in order).
(2) Assign tasks and due dates.
(3) Put the plan on “paper” (Smartsheet, Evernote, Microsoft Project, Word).
b. Engage the plan, but expect change (work).
(1) Don’t take change personally.
(2) Keep the big picture in mind.
(3) Keep the plates spinning: regular, brief, decisive.
(a) Attend to a number of different important areas at the same time – making adjustments as quickly as possible. (b) Discipline yourself to the project: LOOK at your plan and COMMUNICATE with the team continuously!
(4) Be flexible: Adjust the plan as you go, change as you need it.
3. Wrap it up (evaluate and celebrate!)
a. Wrap up final details: close project with excellence (pay final bills, put everything away, clean up).
b. Review: Evaluate project.
(1) Host a project team meeting for the core members of your team.
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