The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
146 • T he E vangel D ean S chool : D eveloping W isdom , C onviction , and P erspective in C hurch P lant T eams
Evangel School Resource Pack Overview Below you will find listed some specifics about the package you just downloaded.
Evangel Resource Pack Information , continued
Links to Evangel Forms
• Assessment Tools : One of our two most important resources for helping church planters and their home churches discern their call is the World Impact Planter Profile and Assessment (WIPPA) evaluation tool. You will find the “Church Planter Self-Evaluation”, “Church Planter Evaluation by Pastor”, and the “Church Planter Evaluation by Spouse” forms here. • Registering Your Upcoming Evangel School : Please be sure to register your school at this location 60 days prior to hosting your Evangel School. • S ubmit Evangel School Reports : (with uploads) Please be sure to complete this form within 15 days of hosting your Evangel School. • Field Coach Quarterly Report Form : This is the formal form to guide you in your quarterly review of your Church Plant Team.
• Evangel Grant Applications : . If grants are available, you will find applications for them here.
Evangel Theme Verse For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek (Rom. 1.16 [ESV]).
Evangel School Gold Color Here are the color palette codes for the Sower Gold color:
• RGB – R:247 | G:220 | B:147 • CMYK – C:4 | M:16 | Y:51 | K:0
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