The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
148 • T he e vangel d ean s Chool : d evelopIng W Isdom , C onvICTIon , and p erspeCTIve In C hurCh p lanT T eams
Evangel Resource Pack Information , continued
• Signs One-minute sign : There are two versions: one can be printed on 8.5x11, the other on 11x17
~ one minute sign 8.5x11.jpg ~ one minute sign 11x17.jpg
Evangel Registration or Web Page Headers (3 options to choose from)
~ registration banner 1.png (transparent background) ~ registration banner 2.png (transparent background) ~ registration banner 3.jpg Registration sign : Directions for each of these are a part of the jpg and will be trimmed by you when you produce. ~ Registrationsignlarge.jpg (can be printed on 11x17) ~ Registrationsignsmall.jpg (can be printed on 8.5x11) T-Shirts There are several options for t-shirts here. Each t-shirt front design or back design is separate so you can mix and match your choices. We also included sample t-shirt graphics so you can see what these t-shirt graphics will look like on a shirt. The shirt color that we chose for the sample was selected from Gildan. (Color: “Yellow Haze”). There are sample graphics on this document but they are also included as graphic files in your package.
tshirtfront1.jpg tshirtfront1sample.png*
tshirtfront2.jpg tshirtfront2sample.png*
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