The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
26 • T he E vangel D ean S chool : D eveloping W isdom , C onviction , and P erspective in C hurch P lant T eams
A. He is Christus Victor , triumphant over Sin, Death, and the Devil.
1. He is the conqueror over sin – its power, judgment, and penalty, 1 Pet. 3.18; 1 John 2.1-2; Col. 2.10-14.
2. He is the victor over death and the grave (Hades), Rev. 1.12-18.
3. He has defeated the devil and his minions (i.e., the principalities and powers, Heb. 2.14-18; 1 John 3.8; Col. 2.15.
B. He is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of lords, possessing all authority in heaven and the earth, 1 Tim. 6.13-16; Matt. 28.18.
1. He is the sovereign creator and provider over all creation, Col. 1.15-19.
2. He is the heir of all things, Ps. 2.6-9; Isa. 9.6-7; Heb. 1.1-4.
3. He is the head of the Church, Eph. 1.15-23; 5.23.
C. He is the Ascended Conqueror, exalted at the right hand of God.
1. He is the Lord of the harvest and the Head of the Church, distributing gifts and executing his will to fulfill his Great Commission, Matt. 28.18-20; Eph. 4.8-10.
2. He must reign until all his enemies have been put under his feet, 1 Cor. 15.22-28.
3. He will return to consummate the Kingdom of God, Rev. 22.12-16.
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