The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
p lenary 2: m ovemenTs and n eTWorks • 29
p lenaRY 2 Movements and Networks Collaborating for Renewing Revival and Radical Mission Dr. Don L. Davis
What Is the Difference between a “Revolt” and a “Revolution”?
A social movement that only moves people is merely a revolt. A movement that changes both people and institutions is a revolution.
~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
I. Why Movements and Networks Are Critical Today: Ten Compelling Reasons
A. Number 1: Vast numbers of unreached people with the Gospel
B. Number 2: Normal methods of operation are woefully inadequate
1. Too slow
2. Too expensive
3. Neither viral nor infectious
C. Number 3: The organic, convenient methods of authorization and supply
D. Number 4: The potential of technological tools to fuel connection and integration
E. Number 5: Changing winds of “professional” missionary engagement
F. Number 6: Noticeable lack of anointing and power in Western based initiatives
G. Number 7: Ramped up spiritual and societal opposition to traditional missionary activities
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