The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
32 • T he E vangel D ean S chool : D eveloping W isdom , C onviction , and P erspective in C hurch P lant T eams
3. Indigenous : CPMs multiply churches “generated from within [the people group or population segment] rather than without.”
B. Addison’s Five Concepts of CPMs:
1. White Hot Faith
2. Commitment to a Cause
3. Contagious Relationships
4. Rapid Mobilization
5. Adaptive Methods
C. Davis’s Three Principles of CPMs:
1. Shared Spirituality
2. People Group Identity
3. Dynamic Standardization
D. The need for a new draft : What will it require for the Holy Spirit to raise up a generation of leaders and churches who will take full responsibility for finishing the task among the unreached poor of the world?
IV. How Movements and Networks Can Leverage Impact for the Great Commission
A. “We are one body in Christ”: the power of collaboration
1. Recognition of our shared call, DNA, and mission
2. Admission of our individually limited resources but powerful unified role
3. Unswerving belief in our synergy and power together
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