The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
P lenary 3: F it to R epresent • 37
B. The Problems of representation
1. Issues of Conviction (Acts 5.19-20, 29): discerning the revealed will of God
a. What happens when you fundamentally disagree with your governing authority?
b. How do you discern God’s will when you disagree with your leader’s judgment?
2. Issues of Character (Gal. 1.10): when our or our leader’s character falters
a. What should you do when a failure character matters occurs?
b. Are we obligated to follow leaders who lack godly character?
3. Issues of Conscience (1 Tim. 1.5): when your moral compass is compromised
a. What should you do when asked to go against your conscience or sense of duty and right?
b. Is it ever right to go against your conscience, even if ordered to do so?
C. The Promise of representation
1. The promise of Availability : the power of joyful submission (Heb. 13.7)
2. The promise of Authority : the legitimacy of credible oversight (Heb. 13.17)
3. The promise of Adaptability : the freedom of delegated mission (1 Thess. 5.12-13)
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