The Evangel Dean School - Developing Wisdom
A ppendix • 63
Associations and Urban Church Planting Movements: The Efficiency and Reproductive Power of Standardization , continued
H. Sharing same cache of spiritual songs, Christian hymns, and published music
I. Use of Christian art and symbols in Christian worship
J. Use of our resources for member congregation care
1. Family camps and conferences
2. Youth ministry programming
3. Adult training and support (e.g., TUMI satellites and church plant training)
II. Standard Practice in Following Up and Discipling (Incorporating) New Members into Association Churches
A. Shared evangelistic methods and strategies to equip members to present the Gospel within their oikos (households and relational networks)
B. Shared Affirmation of Faith Statement
C. Using common translation of the Scripture (ESV as recommended English-speaking version)
D. Employing a Book of Worship and Discipleship
1. A spiritual and administrative guidebook outlining the association‘s faith, worship, and structures (e.g., the concept of the prayer book , similar to the UMC Book of Order , Book or the Book of Common Prayer )
2. Criteria: Simple, clear, ecumenical, and orthodox
3. Include elements that are distinctive of the movement (i.e., its history, distinctives, and commitments)
4. Small group nurture and placement
E. New Members processes and orientation; how-to receive members from other traditions
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