The Kingdom of God, Student Workbook, SW02
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violence, God is still an Almighty God, possessing all power and authority, and in full control of all things.
If God Really Loved Us . . .
Imagine yourself called to the home of a dear family whose son was recently killed in a needless gang shootout. As you are there helping to comfort the family, one of the members says before all present, “The fact that this happened shows that God doesn’t really love us. If God really loved us, these kinds of things would never have happened. How could a good God allow this kind of stuff to happen to someone so young and so innocent?” What would your answer be to him and the others who heard this comment in the wake of such a tragedy?
God’s Reign Challenged
Segment 1
Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis
God as Lord, reigns over all, but his reign was challenged through satanic rebellion in the heavenlies, and through the voluntary rebellion and disobedience of the first human pair on earth. This challenge resulted in the curse upon creation, leading to death, and the greatest of all human tragedies, called by the Church “the Fall.” Our objective for this first segment of God’s Reign Challenged is to enable you to see that: • His lordship was defied, both by the devil and his angels, and the first human pair, Adam and Eve, through their willful disobedience in the garden. • Sin in the world occurs through this defiance of God’s majesty and his personal kingdom reign. • God’s intent is to restore all heaven and earth back under his reign, and constitute again a universe where his name alone is glorified, and his justice and peace will rule forever. • God is the Sovereign majesty of the universe.
Summary of Segment 1
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