The Most Amazing Story Ever Told

The Most Amazing Story Ever Told

T he Scriptures lay out for all to see the divinely authorized Story of the triune God – in his wondrous acts in creation, his people Israel, the Incarnation, and the Church. God the Father Almighty is the divine author of the Story, Jesus of Nazareth is the Story’s hero, the Holy Spirit is the Story’s narrator and producer, and the Bible is its script and record. This Story represents the Church’s essential biblical faith. God tells and nar- rates this Story in the Bible, and as we read it we come to understand that Story as God’s divinely authorized narration of his wondrous work of salvation. Moreover, the Church of God is the Story’s protector and guardian. As we walk by faith in the Son of God we prove ourselves to be the Story’s living, present-day continuation – amazingly, God’s community becomes the place where God’s kingdom reign is seen and experienced. This great Story of God’s love and life becomes, then, our master narrative through which we see the world, and by which we fulfill our mission. In the Church’s theology, she reflects on the Story’s truth and glory, and in her worship, she sings, preaches, and reenacts the milestones of the Story. Through her Gospel and baptism, the Church shares the Story with the lost. When new converts repent and believe in Jesus, they


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