The Old Testament Witness to Christ and His Kingdom, Mentor's Guide, MG09

2 7 4 / T H E O L D T E S T A M E N T W I T N E S S T O C H R I S T A N D H I S K I N G D O M

A P P E N D I X 3 4

Chart of Biblical Studies Rev. Dr. Don L. Davis

Type of Criticism

The Task in Bible Study

View of the Bible

Proof Level

Level of Criticism

What is Studied



Trace the oral traditions and earliest stories associated with the texts

Oral traditions of the people of God, along with the early Church

Product of human tradition

Evolving sense of the Bible’s origin

Too speculative

Form Criticism



Discover the written sources

Comparing texts in various books to

Product of human ingenuity

Ability to identify key sources

No way to prove its claims

Source Criticism



used in the creation of the books

see similarities and contrasts

In-depth meaning of ancient language

Too far removed from the language

Study the ancient languages, words and grammar

Study of the ancient Hebrew, koine Greek, and Aramaic

Product of human culture

Linguistic Criticism



Compare the variant manuscripts to find the best reading Determine the author, style, recipient, and genre

Multitude of reliable manuscripts available

Focus on different manuscripts and their families of texts

Far too extensive number

Product of textual research

Textual Criticism



Different types of literature, background study on the books

Product of literary genius

Discovering what types of literature mean

We tend to read too much into it

Literary Criticism



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