The SIAFU Network Chapter Meeting Guide
Chapter Meeting Guide
. . . and the spirits of prophets are subject to prophets. For God is not a God of confusion but of peace. As in all the churches of the saints.
~ 1 Corinthians 14.32-33 (ESV)
Don’t be afraid to be, or to appoint, a “time keeper” that helps those who preach, teach, and/or testify to stay within the boundaries of their time. People who love the Lord easily and innocently may lose track of time, and wind up speaking well beyond their allotted time. For the sake of the overall order of your gathering, you may need to gently encourage and remind all who share in your gatherings to remain within their time limit. You also may elect to have fewer people share, and give them a little extra time. However you oversee the time of your gatherings, you will need to manage your time efficiently and well. Doing so will ensure that people can count on your word, and plan accordingly for post-meeting arrangements.
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