The SIAFU Network Chapter Meeting Guide
6 The SIAFU Network
Chapter Meeting Template (Suggested Order of Service)
5 min 1. Welcome : Welcome everyone in attendance in the name of Jesus Christ.
3 min 2. Invocation and opening prayer : Offer an invocation (opening prayer) seeking the Lord’s blessing and direction for your meeting.
10 min 3. Worship and Praise : Spend a brief time in worship and praise to the Lord together.
15 min 4. Testimonies : Allow for testimonies from others for the sake of encouragement and challenge (typically 3 testimonies of 3-4 minutes each and an open time). 20 min 5. Biblical exhortation : Present a biblical challenge from the Word (e.g., on how to become a Christian, on how to be a better follower/disciple of Christ; on being God’s person in family and on the job, etc.).
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