The Sovereign Love of God

T he L owliness of C hrist


For YourWeekly Journey

Weekly Reflection on the Sovereign Love of God The early church was mainly made up of nobodies and cast-offs. The poor lower classes, the slaves, the women and childrenwere themajority of the Church. Most Christians could not read or write. Very fewhad an influence or status in society. They were opposed and oppressed at every turn. Yet it was these ancient Christians who experienced some of the most dynamic and explosive growth the Church has ever known. Howdo the nobodies and cast-offs do such amazing things for Christ and his Kingdom? How do they learn Christian truth? How do they share the faith? Howdo they pray or worship? Howdo they represent Christ andhis Kingdom? The Great Tradition of the Church formed in response to questions like these.

~ Ryan Carter, Guard the Good Deposit. Wichita: TUMI Press, 2019. Loc. 81, Kindle.

Let God Arise! Seasonal Focus For God So Loved the World , John 3.14-21

Book Reading Davis, Sacred Roots

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