The Sovereign Love of God
T he S eason of L ent
during his earthly journey so long ago. We ask that you, through your Holy Spirit, reproduce his heart within us, that we may serve and sacrifice for him as he demonstrated his zeal for you, both in his life and his death. Amen. Affirmation for the Day Sunday: Jesus owned a zeal for the Temple, his “Father’s house,” and we must share his passion to glorify the Father. Monday: Jesus’s passion for his Father made him do extreme acts of obedience and holiness for his name’s sake. Tuesday: When we demonstrate our heart for God, it is very possible that others will neither understand nor accept our actions. Wednesday: We must be very careful not to turn the affairs of God into commercial opportunities for greed. Thursday: The psalms declare that Jesus’s zeal for his Father’s house consumed him, i.e., controlled his mind and heart. Friday: The one whom we follow is not a ”nice-guy” seeking to fit in, but the Lord who demands that all recognize his authority. Saturday: The heart of God’s vision centers on his Son, Jesus of Nazareth, who is greater than the Temple and the entire sacrificial system. Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day Father, please reproduce in us the same love that Christ revealed for you.
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