The Sovereign Love of God


T he O bservance of H oly W eek

Palm Sunday Sixth Sunday in Lent March 28 - April 3, 2021


Holy Week recalls the events of our Lord’s suffering and death. We recall his triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, his giving of the commandments on Maundy Thursday, his crucifixion and burial on Good Friday, and the solemn vigil of Saturday night before Easter Sunday.

THIS WEEK’S THEME The Triumphal Entry, Mark 11.1-11

Jesus of Nazareth fulfills the prophecy by entering Jerusalem, riding triumphantly upon a donkey. In praise and worship, the crowd spread their garments on the road, a sign of royal honor, and spread branches before him. Surrounding our Lord as he entered the city, the crowds shouted, “Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our father David! Hosanna in the highest!” (Mark 11.9-10). With this dramatic entry, Jesus publicly announces that he is indeed the Messiah of God, and King of Israel and the Lord of all.

Daily Devotional Guide

Preparing Our Hearts

Invocation: Our Prayer of Acclamation As on this day we keep the special memory of our Redeemer’s entry into the city, so grant, O Lord, now and ever that he may triumph on our hearts. Let the king of peace and glory enter in, and let us lay ourselves and all we are in full joyful homage before him; through Jesus Christ our Lord. ~ H. C. G. Moule, 1841-1920

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