The Sovereign Love of God
T he P assion of C hrist
Departing to Serve
Benediction OGod, who hast given us the commandment that we love one another even as thou dost love us; we beseech thee for thy Church throughout the world. Look inmercy on the divisions among thy people, and in thy perfect wisdom teach us to heal them. Take away all blindness of heart, all foolish pride and vainglory, all prejudice, obduracy, and pettiness, and whatsoever elsemay hinder us fromunity inwork and prayer for the extension of thy kingdomon earth. Drawus nearer to thee, and firmly unite us in the bonds of a common faith and devotion; that wemay all with one voice proclaim thy truth and thy salvation; and that thy Church, being one in thee, may speak a convincingword to aworld divided and in awful peril, and so be for the healing of the nations; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ~ Ernest Fremont Tittle (Tittle, p. 80) Affirmation for the Day Thursday: We are called to love one another as Christ has loved us, and through this, we’ll be known as his disciples.
Pray without Ceasing – Flash Prayer for the Day Teach me to love with the love of our Father on high.
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